Cinnamon Rolls, Cooked With A Coffee Maker.
Can you guess which one of these Cinnamon rolls was cooked in the oven, which one was flipped over and cooked on both sides in a pan on the burner of the coffee maker and which one was just left to cook in the pan on the burner?
Mini Oven- To build a Mini Oven.
- For these cinnamon rolls I used a tuna can with a circle of parchment paper placed in the bottom.
- Put in the cinnamon roll.
- Put this on the burner of the coffee maker.
- Put a Sierra Cup or other small metal bowl over it. (It’s nice if it has a little handle.)
Cook time app. 30 minutes
Note: If the top is not getting done fast enough, turn it over, but remember every time you open it, the longer it will take.