Corned Beef, cooked in a Coffee Maker.
St. Patrick’s Day has become all about, The Wearing Of The Green, the day where every body is Irish for a day, and one of my favorite holidays.
It’s the day where everyone eats corned beef and cabbage, though it is not a traditional Irish food, but instead an Irish American dish. Being 3 rd generation Irish American, it’s something I grew up with and it’s not just for St. Patties Day.
You can’t cook a very big brisket in a coffee maker but you can make enough for two. But there were no left overs, and it’s been a while since I made one and I had forgotten how much I love it, so I will get a few more for the freezer, because I do love corned beef sandwiches.
The first time I cooked a corned beef in my coffee maker, my cousin Traci was visiting. She said you can’t cook a corned beef in a coffee maker, I reminded her of all the soups, muffins and chickens I had prepared for her in the past few weeks. Her reply was, but you can’t cook a corned beef in a coffee maker, I think I really got her Irish up. Being O’Hara kids we are all really opinionated, so I asked her how she cooked hers, she said she cook them in a slow cooker, I laughed and 4 hours later, she said that it was the best corned beef she had ever eaten. Traci, I miss you and wish you were here to share this with me, I’m so glad that you realized that it’s not what you cook it in but that the proof is in the tasting.

2 1/2 lb Corned Beef Brisket (trim off the fat) (approx 1/2 kg)
(you can fit a larger one, but you will need to trim
all of the fat off)
5 cups water (approx 1 liter)
I used a point cut, I don’t know the difference between the cuts. The next time I make one I will try to date.
Rinse the brisket.
Cut it in half length wise.
pre-warm the meat
Pour 2 1/2 cups water into the reservoir to heat and allow to drip into the coffee pot, pour this water back thru and drip into the pot again.
Put brisket in a bowl, pour the double heated water over it . Allow it to sit in the water for a few minutes to warm. (This gives it a jump-start, it raises the temperature of the meat about 40 degrees, it keeps the water in the pot from cooling off so much. In most cases it will shorten your cooking time considerably, but in this case you are still going to cook it for a long time as a brisket is a very tough cut of meat.)
Insulate the pot by wrapping it in a double layer of foil.
Double heat 2 1/2 cups more water.
Drain the brisket and put it into the pot with the heated water. Use plastic tongs and be careful, the water is very hot. Add the season pack that came with it. If it is not covered with water, pour a little more into the reservoir and let it drip thru onto the meat.
Cover the top with foil.
Cook time 3 1/2 – 4 hours.

Pour double heated water over meat to pre-heat it.
May your blessings outnumber
The shamrocks that grow,
And may trouble avoid you
Wherever you go.